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Relationship Between Chakras In Human Body , Planets & Medical Astrology

According to Vedic astrology, planets and zodiac sign is closely connected to human chakras and organs. Planets and Horoscope/Astrology will help identify Chakras energy, physical, mental, emotional strength and diseases in the human body. Every planet is connected with respective chakras in our astral body which would be explained in detail in this article.

Chakras indicate qualities of a person through ruling planets. If any planet is weak, respective chakra associated with that planet would also be weak. This also means that the specific chakra energy is blocked, hence health issues related to that chakra are caused. Chakra energy can be identified through “AstakaVarga” in horoscope/Astrology.


Horoscope is created based on the date of birth, time and place. This would help how planets are placed in the birth chart. Horoscope consists of 12 houses, each house indicates various attributes in one’s life, like physical structure, features, characteristics, etc. Some planets are malefic or benefic in the birth chart, these planetary positions are placed as default from the past life. These planets cosmic radiations, either positive/negative are received by associated chakras in our astral body.

When bad planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu(South Node), Kethu(North Node)are ruled in bad houses like 6th, 8th&12th, certain physical and mental diseases are caused. 6th house indicates short term diseases, 8th  house indicates long term diseases.


Following is a detailed summary of 7 chakras in the human body and how they are associated with the planets.


Muladhara /Root Chakra:


Associated element is earth. Muladhara Chakra is governed by the planet Saturn. Capricorn & Aquarius are ruled by Saturn. If Muladhara chakra is blocked/imbalanced/Overactive, it doesn’t receive cosmic energy of Saturn, hence following mental and physical problems would occur.

  • Fear, indiscipline, Facing tough situations, being greedy & insecure, sleeplessness, work longevity.

  • Meat, muscles, teeth, bone, knee, feet, joints, rheumatism and endocrine gland: Adrenal cortex.


  • Pray lord Ganesha for Muladhara & Saturn balance.

  • Asanas for Muladhara: Mountain pose, Warrior One, Lotuspose, balasana, Malasana.


​Svadhishthana /Sacral Chakra:


Associated element is water. Svadhishthana Chakra is governed by the planet Jupiter. Sagittarius & Pisces are ruled by Jupiter. If Svadhishthana chakra is blocked/imbalanced/Overactive, it doesn’t receive cosmic energy of Jupiter, hence the following qualities would be disturbed.

  • Self Assurance, financial wealth, luck, material and spiritual life, justice, education, dishonesty, being opposite to religion and philosophy, expansion, passion.

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

  • Liver, hips, glands, hormones, pancreas, diabetes, blood vessels, buttocks, obesity. Sexual urges and sexual Endocrine gland issues, Ovaries, testicle issues.


  • Pray lord Vishnu or Ardhanarishwara for Svadhishthana and Jupiter for balance.

  • Asanas for Svadhishthana: Frog Pose, BaddhaVirabhadrasana, UtkataKonasana, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana.



Manipura/Solar Plexus Chakra:


​Associated element is fire. Manipura Chakra is governed by the planet Mars. Aries & Scorpio are ruled by Mars. If Manipura chakra is blocked/imbalanced/Overactive, it doesn’t receive cosmic energy of Mars, hence the following qualities would be disturbed.

  • Loss of Physical strength and action, independence, courage, will power, generosity, protection, clarity, Energy Drives.

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

  • Sexual energy, head, blood, digestive system, bile, accidents, metabolism, burns fractures, fever, piles, skin rashes, electronic shock, suicidal tendencies, pancreas, Endocrine gland: Adrenals.


  • Pray lord Karthikeyan for Manipura chakra and Mars balance.

  • Asanas for Manipura Chakra: Boat Pose, Dhanurasana, Plank Pose, Surya Namaskar


Anahata/Heart Chakra:


Associated element is air. Anahata Chakra is governed by the planet Venus. Taurus & Libra are ruled by Venus. If Anahata chakra is blocked/imbalanced/Overactive, it doesn’t receive cosmic energy of Venus, hence the following qualities would be disturbed.

  • Love failure, extreme attachment to materialistic things, importance to luxuries, and unhealthy relationships

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

  • Throat, neck, Sexual organ, pelvis, menstrual irregularity, semen, urinary bladder, kidneys, Endocrine gland: Thymus.


  • Pray lord Laxmi for Anahata and Venus balance. Asanas for Anahata balancing: Ustrasana, Garudasana, Marjaiasana, Matsyasana


Vishuddha/Throat Chakra :


Associated element is Akash. Vishuddha Chakra is governed by the planet Mercury. Gemini & Virgo are ruled by Mercury. If Vishuddha chakra is blocked/imbalanced/Overactive, it doesn’t receive cosmic energy of Mercury, hence the following quantities would be disturbed.

  • Lack of intelligence and Communication, bad decision making.

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

  • Abdomen, skin, nervous system, neck, mouth, bronchial tube, tongue, lungs, hands arms, insomnia, deafness, dyspepsia, Endocrine gland: Thyroid and Parathyroid gland.


  • Pray lord Saraswati for Vishuddha and Mercury balance. Asanas for Vishuddha balancing:  Sasakasana, Bhujangasana


Ajna/Third Eye Chakra:


It is governed by the planet Sun(soul)&Moon(Mind)and it is associated with Cancer and Leo. If Ajna chakra is blocked/imbalanced/Overactive, it doesn’t receive cosmic energy of Mars, hence the following qualities would be disturbed.

  • Being overconfident, lack of awareness, dominating, the wrong judgment,

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

  • Eyesight, gall bladder, spine, belly, headaches, constipation, blood pleasure, immune system, breast, face, psychic problem, sleep disorder .t.b, cough, cold, hypersensitivity, overreaction, lack of appetite.


  • Pray lord shiva for Ajna balance.

  • Asanas for ajna balancing: Virabhadrasana III, dolphin pose, Pyramid Pose.

  • Meditation


Sahasrara/Crown Chakra:


Sahasrara Chakra is not associated with any planet or zodiac signs, because it is beyond karma. Its connection to the divine will invoke spiritual awakening, attaining enlightenment and connecting to the universal consciousness. It will give a pure state of the soul and divine bliss.

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

  • Memory problems, productivity, femininity, motherhood, depression, emotions disorder, bad and horror dreams, nervous system, neurological Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, paralysis, epilepsy, Head, pineal gland, skeletal and muscular systems Endocrine gland: Pineal gland.


  • Practice breathing exercises.

  • Asanas for Sahasrara balancing: Sirsasana, Natarajasana, Savasana, and mediations.


Rahu(North Node): Rahu is considered as equal to Saturn. Rahu doesn’t have houses. It is placed near the Sahasrara Chakra.

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

  • Craving, Cancer, Snakebit, Ulcers.


 Ketu (South Node): Ketu is considered as equal to Mars. Ketu doesn’t have houses. It is placed near the Muladhara Chakra.

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

  • Detachment, Injuries, spine diseases, surgeries, additions, abortions, deafness, spasm, low blood pressure, allergies, aids.


Note: If any person energy reaches Muladhara to Sahasrara through Sushumna Nadi horoscope doesn’t work on him. This person connects with divine cosmic energy.  interest thing If anyone has Kethu in 12th house from the lagna in the birth chart that person is considered to have his last birth and will get moksha.

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